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Malta Rock Climbing


by Richard Abela, John Codling & Andrew Warrington

Published: September 2007


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The guide book did its job very well; we usually found what we were looking for and felt well guided by the descriptions and photos…
Georg (from Ludwigsburg, Germany)


We had all the information we needed to plan a good climbing session: locations (very well explained), grades, sun exposure, etc…with pictures, maps and some useful advice…
Thomas Majgier


“Is Malta the sun rock destination Britsh climbers forgot?”
Ukclimbing.com – Chris Moor


The book includes road maps, approach diagrams, very useful crag symbols (similar to Rockfax) and is interspersed with dramatic colourful climbing photographs.
Libreria dello Sport


Malta Rock Climbing: the Comprehensive Guide makes decades of route bagging, passed down from one climbing generation to the next, accessible to all in a single resource.
Sierra Book Distributors


…with Malta Rock Climbing the authors John Codling, Andrew Warrington, and Richard Abela have, for the first time since the 1970s, compiled a comprehensive guide to this little-known destination.
Climbing.com – Matt Samet


With the onset of the usual dreary British winter, some Mediterranean sun, warm sea and good food has got to be the way forward…!
UrbanRock.com – The Climbing Experts

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